Good Neighbours

Feb 2, 2015

We had a nice greeting from winter overnight, waking up to 18 plus inches of snow. I had an early morning appointment with my hematologist that we did not want to miss, many questions to ask, reviewing the progress of being on the Jakavi medication for almost three weeks. But the snow in the driveway and on our streets made the prospect of getting out near impossible. Plus, I have not put the snow tires on the car (yes, silly me) – got fed up hearing the tire centre tell me they had no time available. And then things started to fall into place.

My wife had called the doctor and yes they were in and due to the cancelations that were coming in, they had an opening at 2:30pm. Meanwhile, our neighbour from across the street pulled out his heavy-duty snow blower and proceeded to clear our driveway. He then cleared all the awkward bits around the cars. Then he took on the street clearing the snow so that when the snowplows did come, there would be less to fill in our driveways.

We did make it out from our drive, almost got stuck further down our street but managed to make it to the plowed streets and off to the appointment. More about that later.

After the appointment, we remembered that the dogs needed their food supplies replenished so off to the pet store. They had only just opened having just arrived. And the second bag of food was free, having reached our reward bag!

Driving the rest of the way home we found the streets in our neighbour hood had been cleared, and there was our next-door neighbour with help from his son shoveling the drift from the snowplow from the end of our drive.

I’m now just capturing these wonderful moments. I am ever so grateful for the wonderful people I am surrounded by. The fellow with the snow blower was the only one on the street that knew the full extent of what is going on with me, but word does get around. My wife while walking the dogs will get asked how things are with me and if there is anything they can do. We love this neighbourhood.

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